Sunday, January 26, 2020
Theories on Dualism in Philosophy
Theories on Dualism in Philosophy Dualism in Philosophy is a theory which, at its basis, holds two radically distinct principles or concepts. One of the most commonly held interpretations of dualism is the concept of the existence of two distinct human entities, that of body and that of soul. It is this interpretation of dualism that the following explication will predominantly address. Dualists believe that the mind determines our personality and the body is a container, or vessel for this self (REFERENCE). Widely considered as the two vanguards of modern dualism are substance dualism and property dualism. Substance dualism holds that the mind or soul is a separate, non-physical entity from the human form, whilst property dualism maintains that there is no soul distinct from the body but only one entity (the person) which has two irreducibly different types of properties, mental and physical (REFERENCE). Substance dualism leaves some room open for the stance that the soul could possibly exist separately from the body, either before birth or after death. Property dualism does not allow for this notion although does permit that both the mental and physical relationship of cause and effect to work in harmony together. The cause of one event may be described as a physical event in the brain and under another event, as a desire, emotion or thought. Substance dualism however, has become increasingly omitted from the majority of contemporary discussions. It could now be considered that few phi losophers currently find the idea of the soul coherent or productive. Although the first use of the term dualism was cited in the 14th century to describe the Islamic faith (REFERENCE), the Western philosopher who spoke most about dualism was Renà © Descartes. Descartes believed that everything non-physical; all feelings and sensations that can be described but cannot be located physically become part of your mind or soul. Descartes dualism, (known as Cartesian Dualism) rested on very certain and definite ideas. He stated that the mind and body were two very different things and that all substances have a property of a special nature. To offer an example, the property of the mind is consciousness, an entity whose entire essence is to think (and therefore takes up no space), whereas the properties of bodily or material substances are length, breath or depth (and therefore their essence is to take up space). The mind has been widely considered as an intangible entity and non-physical in contrast to the body, which is extended and can take many material forms which can be described by their size, shape, position or movement (REFERENCE). Descartes considered that that the mind is the place in which a persons feelings, sensations and thoughts are known only to themselves, whilst all of the functions that the body performs are observable to all. His theory also asserted the idea that both the body and mind interact with each other, the mind having an effect on the body and the body having an effect on the mind, although the body and mind remain separate. He maintained that our identity comes from the ability to think and reason and it is therefore conceivable that we could survive without our bodies (as the soul/mind is separate from the body) and still remain the same person. Descartes was convinced that that we didnt need our bodies to live an intellectually aware and active life and consequently the mind could escape death. He felt that even if we drastically changed or altered our appearance, then it would not affect our personali ties and upon observation it would still be possible to recognise someone by reference to his or her character (REFERENCE). As Descartes asserted: Our soul is of a nature entirely independent of the body, and consequently it is not bound to die with it. And since we cannot see any other cause which destroys the soul, we are naturally led to conclude that it is immortal Renà © Descartes, Discourse on the Method, 1637 (REFERENCE) Dualism has received a lot of attention in the past and Descartes has not been the only philosopher who has written on the concept. Great thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle and Aquinas have all put forward their ideas on the subject each one differing slightly. Plato believed that the soul belonged to a level of reality that was higher than that of the body. He stated that the soul was immortal and this derived from his theory of ideas, which he called forms. Plato asserted that for every existence there is a perfect form of said existence. For example for every chair there is an ideal, perfect form of that chair, as with every dog there is a perfect dog (REFERENCE). Platos form theory maintained that the physical world is where the body exists for the subject in order to receive sense impressions, whilst the soul is immaterial and is capable of knowing eternal truths beyond the material world. All knowledge that we have acquired is from the acquaintance we have had with the forms bef ore our immortal souls became imprisoned in our body. Thus, the ultimate aim of the soul is to break free of the chains of the body and flee to the realm of ideas. There it will be able to spend eternity in contemplation of the true, beautiful and the good (REFERENCE). Aristotle was another philosopher who tried to explain the idea of the body and mind. Even though Aristotle was a pupil of Plato, his thoughts on dualism were very different form that of Plato although he still believed that the soul was the part of the body that gives it life and that the soul turned all physical form into a living organism of its particular type (REFERENCE). Whilst Aristotle believed that the body and soul were inseparable he asserted that the soul still develops peoples skills, character and temper, but it cant survive death. Once the body dies then the soul inevitably dies with it, and this provides an example of early monistic theory. Monism is the theory that the mind and body are inseparable, and monists do not accept that an individuals characteristics are anything more than physical ones (any ideas of consciousness are nothing more than electrical brain activity). This is where Aristotles principles differ from monism. He believed that a human is not just a living, physical body and nothing more. He thought that the body and soul were different, and because humans have a soul they are capable of having an intellectual life (REFERENCE). Aquinas (REFERENCE) agreed with Aristotle in the sense that he thought that the soul animated the body and gave it life and he called the soul the anima. Aquinas believed that that the soul operated independently of the body and that things that are divisible into parts, are destined to decay. As the soul isnt divisible it is able to survive death. However because of the link with a particular human body, each soul becomes individual so even when the body does die, the soul once departed still retains the individual identity of the body it once occupied (REFERENCE). The separation of the mind, or soul, and the physical body seems to be a concept which holds little weight under scrutiny. As Ryle (REFERENCE) asserted, to think of the body and soul as two separate entities is to make a category mistake and refers to what he considers the erroneous notion that the soul is something identifiably extra within a person, or to quote directly; a ghost in a machine. Ryle famously illustrated his hypothesis with the example of the university: A foreigner, having visited the colleges, libraries, sports facilities etc. asks to see the university: Ryles intention was to emphasize the requirement of the various constituent parts to form a whole. However, in order to facilitate a conclusive analysis, a clear definition of the concepts discussed is essential. Thus, a soul may be defined as that which thinks, feels and desires; a non-spatiotemporal essence that encapsulates the personal identity of an individual. The body may be identified as the frame in which t he soul is contained. Ryle, in advocating the unity of body and soul, assumes a Materialist stance and would thus contend that those features generally attributed to the soul are all explainable in terms of neurophysiological reactions. In Confessions of a Philosopher, Brian Magee supported this view, claiming: The human body is a single entity, one subject of behaviour and experience with a single history. We are not two entities mysteriously laced together. Yet, there has been an enduring allegiance to the inverse; that we are composite beings of both corporeal matter and incorporeal soul, thus subscribing to Dualism. Plato, a principal proponent, asserted in his Republic that at death the immortal soul, temporarily imprisoned within the contingent, perishable body, rejoins the realm of eternal truths. In his 2nd Meditation, Descartes reinterpreted Platos arguments, concluding that as our identity ensues from non-physical processes, such as the ability to reason, it is conceivable that we could survive a posthumous existence: Our soul is of a nature entirely independent of the body and consequentlyit is not bound to die with it. And since we cannot see any other causes which destroy the soul, we are naturally led to conclude that it is immortal. The Materialist contention that the soul cannot exist without the body would ostensibly appear the more rational position. Some elucidation is, therefore, required to account for the otherwise unprecedented attention Dualism has received over the centuries and, accordingly, Ryles alleged category mistake. As may be inferred, the concept of a non-contingent soul affords the possibility of survival beyond physical death. In allowing for the fulfilment of a moral equilibrium; the realization of human potential; a validation of existence; the remuneration of the pious; and a basis for rejecting the alternative, the abrupt termination of individual consciousness, life after death may be considered a desirable objective. However, not one supposition of a seemingly inexhaustible list renders the proposition necessarily true. Is it even coherent to postulate the existence of a non-empirical, unverifiable entity? There are four kinds of argument that may be raised in defence of the notion. First, we each have a unique consciousness, impenetrable to the outside world. Our thoughts, beliefs etc. may be inferred by others, but never directly experienced. Nevertheless, our body and its processes remain outwardly perceptible. The existence of a soul resolves the seemingly irreconcilable conflict between the public and the private. Second, the fact that we are held morally accountable for our deeds presupposes that we have complete freedom of choice. However, the premise appears unsubstantiated when countered by the fact that our every thought may be described in terms of the physiological processes occurring in the brain and central nervous system. These processes are accounted for by causal conditions extending beyond a person, prior even to their existence. If we are bound by such conditions that remain beyond our control, how may we be considered free, and, thus, held morally accountable? The postulation of some essence, independent of the deterministic causal chain, and with the capacity to influence moral choices provides a potential solution. Third, the quandary of multiple personality disorder must be remedied. If a body can house several personalities, each with its own distinct self-concept and set of behavioural patterns, the body is clearly not central to personal identity. How may this be accounted for? It is evident that we each possess a number of different, yet un-fragmented perspectives. In a pathological condition, however, what holds these perspectives together is lost. Does this suggest the existence of some ethereal glue, cementing the various facets of a self as one? Finally, there exist a number of people claiming to be in possession of paranormal powers such as telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis etc. In assuming these accounts to be accurate, the Materialist notion that the mind remains entirely dependant on intermediate physical agencies is negated. In sum, if undisputed, the implication of the evidence given is that humans may comprise partly of some imperceptible essence, independent of physical processes. Furthermore, if death remains no exception to the rule, it is plausible that, in a limited capacity, the soul may be preserved, and with it our self identity. However, are there sufficient grounds for refuting the evidence? In truth, convincing though the Dualist arguments may appear, not one case made remains entirely exempt from Materialist criticism. Recently, there has been increasing support for an anthropological view. In attempting an analysis of the brain, in The Minds I, Douglas Hofstadter offered the analogy of an ant colony: A colony has different levels: the colony itself, groups of ants such as workers, teams of ants, and individual ants themselves. We assign meaning to the higher levels (for example that a group of worker ants is removing the carcass of a fly) and hold that these higher levels encode informatio n for the colony. But these higher-level patterns of behaviour are ultimately mere products of the random motions of individual, unintelligent ants. Thus, according to Hofstadter, our every thought, belief or idea is merely a product of random neural firings. It consequently follows that we need not appeal ultimately to meaning to account for reality; we do so purely for the sake of convenience. How well, therefore, do the four lines of argument raised stand up in light of this? The first may be immediately dismissed: The fact that one individual organism may not experience the neural firings of another is unexceptional. In the case of the second: If, on every occasion, what we formerly considered to be higher ideals and beliefs in truth function as labels, then moral law exists as little more that a highly complex system of control. The requirement to apportion a soul is, thus, mooted. Further more, the condition of multiple personalities may be explained by some form of repression, whilst numerous reports of paranormal incidents have proved fairly dubious. To this the following must be added: First, functions such as conceptualisation and memory recall are generally considered to be requisites of self-identity. The implication is that these processes are independent of the mind and could, thus, be sustained by our immaterial souls. The dilemma arises when faced with apparently irrefutable evidence of the inverse. It is widely accepted that, not only are certain mental abilities inherited, but that diseases affecting the mind, such as Downs syndrome, are genetically based. It may be, therefore, surmised that mental ability and function is significantly dependent on the hereditary process. Second, damage to the brain directly affects cognitive functions. For example, were a persons brain spheres to be severed, when presented with an object on the left, the right hemisphere of the brain would recognise it. However, the left hemisphere, the main area for speech and communication, would receive no information via the corpus callosum. Thus whilst the person could point at the object, he could not recount what he sees. Third, certain psychological processes, such as memory, may be discerned as patterns of energy events within the brain. Although, as yet, direct correlation with individual energy transfers has not been possible, the localisation is sufficient to facilitate neurological research. Furthermore, various types of intelligence are associated with specific cerebral hemispheres, for example, the right hemisphere controls artistic and intuitive mental processes. On evaluation, evidence would appear to suggest that those features generally identified within a soul, could equally be explainable in terms of physiological processes. That is not to say the Dualist has not attempted to evade the predicament. In fact, two schemas have been devised. Those subscribing to the first have postulated the immediate replacement of the body at death. For Buddhists the body is physical, for Christians; spiritual. Although, with the reincarnate generally lacking any awareness of a previous existence and ethereal bodies widely acknowledged to exist on a different spatiotemporal plane, verification remains difficult. Advocates of the second schema have suggested that the soul could exist disembodied, in a very limited capacity. For Catholics this may be temporally (Purgatory) until united with a body (Beatific Vision), or permanently (Hell). But what of Ryle and his ghost? The situation must be readdressed. It is clear that in attempting to rationalize the theory of the soul, one invariably returns to the starting point; that, whilst the notion cannot be dismissed entirely, it does appear physiologically unlikely. Ryles statement, however, was more than just a hypothesis; it was a definitive claim. Thus, though empirical evidence seems to lean in favour of the Materialist, whilst Dualism continues as a legitimate possibility, Ryles contention will remain unsubstantiated. Ultimately, the concept of a soul depends on the equally unverifiable existence of some divine entity to effectuate this recondite posthumous transition. Here lies the significance; although those Dualists subscribing to theism tend to recognise that the confirmation of their faith will be fulfilled by eschatological verification, the concept of some spiritual self within plays a fundamental role in their lives, not only in the provision of an intangible channel through which they might commune with God, but also in apportioning a sense of order, clarity and purpose to their existence.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Health and Safety Policy of Dublin Bus Essay
This safety statement has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Sections 19 & 20 of the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act, 2005. This Safety Statement specifies commitment, lines of responsibility and accountability for safety together with a list of Risk Assessments within the organisation. In July 2007 new and revised ââ¬Å"General Application Regulations 2007â⬠were published. These Regulations were signed into Law on the 1st November 2007. Prescribed under the SHWW Act 2005, these Regulations provide details of how compliance with Health & Safety legislation is to be applied in the workplace. These Regulations have been examined and appear at regular intervals throughout the Dublin Bus Safety Statement. Company Commitment The company is committed to ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable, the Safety, Health and Welfare at work of all of its employees, as required under Section 8 of the Act, with particular regard to The provision and maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment. The provision of a safe place of work and means of access to and egress from it. The provision and maintenance of plant and equipment and of systems of work that are as safe and without risk to health as is reasonably practicable to achieve. The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision will enhance the health and safety at work if its employees and prevent improper conduct and behaviour occurring. The safety and absence of risk to health in the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances including the provision of suitable protective clothing and equipment where hazards cannot be eliminated. The arrangement for adequate facilities for welfare, including medical and occupational health services. The maintenance of the safety, health and welfare at work of its employees which is as important as the management of production, cost effectiveness, sales etc. It is company policy to provide the appropriate resources of time, personnel, expertise and finance as required under Section 12 of the Act to enable the above responsibilities to be met. Dublin Bus is committed to the highest standard of Housekeeping. The company is committed to keeping its workplaces clean and hygienic. The company is committed to high standards of lighting in all work areas. The company will ensure comfortable working temperature, Suitable clothing is provided that is adequate where necessary for work outdoors and in inclement weather/conditions Good ventilation while attempting to minimise draughts,à Mechanical ventilation where fresh air supply is insufficient Heating systems which do not give off fumes into the workplace, Noise levels controlled to reduce nuisance as well as damage to health, Heat stress reduced by controlling radiant heat by positioning heater units at correct levels and installing independent unit controls. It is illegal for staff to smoke in a depot, on a bus or in offices or any other indoor work areas. Under no circumstances should staff smoke in the workplace except in designated areas. The risk is minimised by implementing good housekeeping standards, safe working practices and use of safe materials by cleaning staff, and insistence on the use of appropriate footwear. Sharp Object/ needle Stick Injury There is a risk to all staff, particularly night cleaning staff associated with picking up miscellaneous discarded items that are too large for removal by the vacuum. Medium Staff notices highlight the importance of vigilance in regard to these hazards. Pick-up staff should use protective gloves at all times. Drivers Internal Vehicle Movement The hazards associated with the internal movement of vehicles include serious or fatal injury to persons and property damage Medium To minimise the risk all staff when driving on Dublin Bus property must not exceed posted limit, must not turn too sharply, must not drive too close to persons and must only reverse when necessary. As interface canââ¬â¢t be avoided, the company is committed to implement such precautions as are practical, the provision and maintenance or radios on all buses and liaison with local Guardia to improve security Manual Handling Many employees working within the Dublin Bus Depots are involved in some manual lifting and handling as part of their daily working duties. Any manual handling of loads can pose a hazard to employees Medium Dublin Bus Depots ensure that no person will be expected to lift loads that would likely to cause him/her injury. Lifting equipment is provided in all locations for all tasks that involve lifting. Dublin Bus Depots Portable Hand Tools Common injuries from use of hand tools include cuts, burns and pinches Medium It is Dublin Bus policy to purchase only portable electric tools that conform to the highest safety standard. Dublin Bus depots Cash/ Stock Security Many Dublin Bus premises have got cash and / or ticket stocks. There is always a threat of robbery in these locations Low All cash offices are designed to high security requirements. Six monthly security reviews take place in each Garage, and an annual audit by the insurance underwrite takes place. Mr James McHugh Protection against Assault and Robbery Almost all Dublin Bus routes are Autofare. This has removed robbery as the principal motivation for attack on drivers. Medium The provision and maintenance or radios on all buses and liaison with local Gardai to improve security Mr James McHugh Vehicle Breakdown There are a number of risks surrounding the operation of vehicle breakdown. Usually personnel from both traffic and maintenance are involved and I n many instances, customers are involved. Medium Engineering Staff will have to attend the scene to assess the vehicle and either make an on the spot repair or recover the vehicle to the garage for further investigations and repair. Engineering Staff Operation of Vehicles A risk of injury associated with crews taking over or while operating vehicles exists. Medium Staff must be aware of any spillage in garages/ garage yards or on the open road Engineering Staff Driver Fatigue Risk of causing accident High Drivers should get periods of high quality sleep and rest. Make sure that drivers working and driving schedules are kept within reasonable. Drivers Record your Findings Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 Duties of Employers Duty to ensure the design, provision and maintenance of any place of work under the employerââ¬â¢s control in a condition that is safe and without risk to health. Duty to ensure the design, provision and maintenance of safe means of access and egress from any place of work under the employerââ¬â¢s control. Duty to ensure the provision of systems of work that are planned, organised, performed and maintained so as to be safe and without risk to health. Duty to ensure the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the safety and health at work of employees. Duties of Employees To take reasonable care for his/her own safety, health and welfare and that of any other person who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions Toà co-operate with the employer and any other person to enable the employer or other person to comply with statutory obligations. To use any suitable appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or other means provided intended to secure the employeeââ¬â¢s safety, health and welfare and To report to the employer or immediate supervisor, without unreasonable delay, and safety/health defects in plant, equipment, place of work or system of work, of which he/she becomes aware. Risk & Safety Management The health and safety Manager, Mr. James McHugh, will provide proactive support for the safety, health and welfare of employees, visitors and contractors, the safety of customers and other road users and security of premises, fleet and equipment. Safety awareness among employees, customers and others affected by Dublin Bus activities shall be promoted and guidance and direction provided for management in all matters relating to safety. Staff safety training will be organised across all areas of the Company. Safety Audits, risk assessments and safety monitoring will continue to form the basis of effective risk management. Liaison with external bodies will include the Health and Safety Authority, the National Industrial Safety Organisation, the National Safety Council, IBEC, The Construction Industry Federation, the Institution of Occupation Safety and Health, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, the Road Safety Authority as well as independent, commercial occupational safety and health consultative, training and fire survey agencies. Responsibility The Chief Executive, Mr. Paddy Doherty, is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the Safety Statement by taking a direct interest in the Companyââ¬â¢s Safety, Health and Welfare activities and affording support in terms of staffing and resources to those whose responsibility it is to carry it out. The discharge of this responsibility devolves on the Chief Engineer Dublin Bus Mr. Shane Doyle, whose deputy for the purpose of the SHWW Act 2005 is Mr. James McHugh, Health and safety Manager. He will ensure that senior managers are aware of and implement their responsibility in relation to managers reporting to them. Co-operation of Employees Dublin Bus employees are legally obliged to co-operate in the promotion of Safety, Health & Welfare in the workplace, as specified under Section 13 of the 2005 Act. Safety Representatives As required under Section 25 of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, Safety Representatives have been elected to represent the Safety, Health & Welfare interest of employees. Appropriate training is made available to Representatives and they are afforded facilities for the carrying out of their duties as specified in Section 25. In addition to informal everyday contact between local management/supervision and Safety Representatives, regular meetings will be held between local Management and Safety Representatives and a record of the proceedings will be maintained. Training Manager Employee Development & Equality Ms. Pat Normanly is responsible for formal staff training within the company. As our core business is primarily related to bus driver training, Mr John Flynn, Training School Manager, is responsible for the day to day running of these training programmes. To ensure the effective implementation of the Safety Statement and to ensure that employees are able to discharge their responsibilities in a safe and healthy environment, appropriate training will be given as required both from within the Companyââ¬â¢s resources and also utilising outside expertise. All Engineering staff, whether commencing employment with Dublin Bus or transferring from another depot, will receive induction training to ensure that they fully understand the hazards, safety precautions and emergency procedures associated with working in the particular Depot. They will be given a tour of the depot in its entirety so they are familiar with the layout, fire escapes, assembly points etc. this should be conducted by the Engineering Manager and must also include a briefing on fire safety procedures and a review of any site-specific hazards. In order to ensure that each employee receives a complete and comprehensive induction, Engineering Managers should complete the prescribed form and retain a copy on the employeeââ¬â¢s file. In compliance with the terms of the Safety, Health, Welfare at Work Act 2005 and the General Application Regulation 2007, Dublin Bus will provide mandatory training where necessary. Fire Prevention Responsibility for the Management of the Companyââ¬â¢s Fire Prevention policies rests with Mr. Shane Doyle, Chief Engineer, Dublin Bus. His deputy is Aidan McGinty, Assistant Engineer. Engineering Managers are responsible for the implementation of fire precautions in their respective locations, as is the materials Manager in regard to the Materials Handling premises in Broadstone, Area Manager (central) in Central Control and Administration Officer, Human Resources Department in Earl Place. Drivers who discover a fire on their bus, or if a fire is brought to their attention by a customer must follow these instructions. Stop the bus immediately and switch off engine/main switch Evacuate customers from the bus to a place of safety Call control and request assistance of Fire Brigade If fire is small and safe to tackle, use fire extinguisher on boards bus If not, leave the bus and go to place of safety with customers and await assistance First Aid All Dublin Bus sites have a First Aid Room, have trained First Aiders and equipped with First Aid Provisions. All employees new to a site must familiarise themselves with local arrangements. New First Aid Regulations were introduced in November 2008. Employees who suffer injury in the course of their employment are required to present themselves for appropriate treatment. Treatment may be carried out in the place of work by the approved First Aider or by referral to hospital or other. First Aiders are required to keep appropriate records. First Aiders are also required to acquaint their Supervisors when first aid supplies require replenishing. Emergency Plan Emergency evacuation plans are part of the overall fire safety system and are outline to fire marshals and wardens in the course of the training. All locations have plans displayed outlining the procedure to be adopted in the event of an emergency. These evacuation plans, are routinely checked by the local manager. Fire Wardens are appointed and trained and the statutory evacuation of premises is carried out twice yearly. Review and update Printed copies of the Dublin Bus Safety Statement are held by Management and Safety Representatives. Copies are also available at each location for the further information and perusal of all employees and are freely available to any member of the staff, on request. The Safety Statement is also available for viewing on the Dublin Bus ââ¬Å"Busnetâ⬠system, the Public and Work Driver on your computer and the Public Folders of your email Inbox. Additionally, the Safety Statement is available to any other person, e.g. contractors likely to be affected by Dublin Bus activities. The Dublin Bus Safety Statement, which is a ââ¬Å"living documentâ⬠, will be updated at least annually as per Section 20 of the SHWW Act 2005. Where necessary it will be revised periodically, or as directed.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The End of How to Write Investigative Essay Samples
The End of How to Write Investigative Essay Samples Definitions of How to Write Investigative Essay Samples Besides honest, witnesses must secure their credibility. An event of Raja Lahr sib 2010 is the perfect case of how investigation can help stop terrorists from committing their acts. If you're still unsure about how to compose an investigative essay, just imagine that you're an actual explorer and discoverer. A researchable topic is one where the writer can discover a range of credible and current sources. If a topic for your investigation essay isn't specified, you are fortunate. You need to be able to find out more about the topic. The topic ought to be manageable. It should be narrow enough so that you can write about it in an essay format. If a specific topic meets each one of the above criteria, it should result in a proper topic to investigate. At this website, there's an enormous cache of premium quality critical paper examples on several different topics. Elect for a topic you're knowledgeable about and can provide valuable details on. Things to investigate A wide variety of issues can function as the principal subject for your investigation essay. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About How to Write Investigative Essay Samples When conducting a comprehensive investigation, examining big amounts of material is vital to gaining a comprehensive comprehension of the subject. If you're still interested in investigating medical issues but don't wish to go a neighborhood morgue, you can see any hospital and learn the way the medical staff helps car crash victims. In many instances, nurses have a lot greater expertise once it comes to cleaning the wounds of patients or administrating pills in place of writing papers. Proceed to a nearby shop and investigate how its owners can run a thriving business whenever there are all those huge supermarkets around. One needs enough concentration to have the ability to deliver the crucial points of the investigation in a very clear and understandable way. In presenting an investigation file, the audience will be in a position to know the function of the whole investigation, and identify whether the resources meant for the investigation were used accordingly. Many students wish to learn more about business operations. Your teacher can request that you earn a historical investigation or an investigation of your upcoming career. There are several things that you don't know, and you may select any for your investigation essay. Before starting on your paper, write the most vital ideas you desire to have in your essay on a different draft. As always, there's no firm length requirementthe essay ought to be as long as it should be to accomplish what you would like to achieve with the essay, and no longer. Each nursing essay example you happen across needs to be formatted using the MLA style, sin ce this format keeps you from wasting any moment. The end result will be an outstanding outline that is simple to follow, user-friendly, and makes it less difficult to compose your essay. This kind of writing assignment is more interesting to work on, since you can pick any issue that you want to learn more about and investigate it. The most important aim of an investigative essay is to demonstrate an exhaustive understanding of the subject in an unbiased way. Seeing a number of critical essays examples would help one understand exactly what this kind of academic writing is about. The War Against How to Write Investigative Essay Samples On the flip side, if you select an issue that you have already made up your mind about, objectivity might be lost. A debatable topic is one which has differing viewpoints. For that reason, it is reasonable think about the topics which you would love to study deeper. Additionally, it means articulating the many viewpoints of the situation. Don't forget your readers are experts when it has to do with the info you're providing. There are several intriguing things around that you don't know a lot about! To put it differently, it's a controversial matter. By doing this, you are going to offer an answer to the principal question. By doing this, you're create a logical outline for the info you want to convey. You should be considering the skeleton draft of your paper, a couple sentences and you'll have a rough draft. Begin by developing a preliminary outline, in which you should bring all the info you find it possible to acquire access to. Before continuing to another draft, you ought to take a while to rest and ponder on the next path of action.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Economy And Its Impact On The Economy Essay - 1424 Words
Sometime in late 1950ââ¬â¢s Minsky started warning about the gradual shift of the economy from a very robust financial system that was stable and with no financial crisis in the early postwar period. He had called with his analysis that gradually over time debts in the private sector would tend to build up and increasingly risky financial innovations would increase over time. He is very famous for the statement that stability itself is destabilizing. Although things seem very stable today, gradually over time that stability would build confidence in individuals to take increasingly risky positions in assets. The model that he had built explains financial crisis in the economic system. He brings up that supply of credit increases during boom and abruptly decreased during economic slowdown. It seems almost intuitive that from a standpoint of an investor the great time to invest is when economy is booming to increase his or her profitability. Lenders as the investors become increasin gly optimistic about their return and they both become less sensitive to risk. But when the economy starts slowing down investors sell out their holding to not to lose more of their assets making the economy even more worse off. All of the New Deal structure that have been put in place in the economy during the great depression, drove tremendous buildup of government debt in World War II and gave a very safe asset for the private sector. This would be in a sense leverage, safe government debtShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Economy On The Economy816 Words à |à 4 Pages â⬠¢ The economy continues to experience stable personal income growth, increasing 0.4% in April. On a quarterly basis, personal income rose 4.1% in the first quarter, staying within the higher-than-4% trend that started in the first quarter last year. In the first quarter, personal income rose to $15,129 billion, higher than the 2014 fourth quarter of $14,979 billion. 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Globalization and international trade, come withRead MoreImpact Of Technology On The Economy1197 Words à |à 5 PagesOver the years we have seen massive changes not only in our personal lives, but as well as in the workplace. These drastic changes are due to the rise in technology and how it will continue to affect the way the economy works when looking at unemployment rates, economic growth, and inflation. It is becoming quite clear that the future of the workplace will be less centralized, more flexible, more mobile, and with a stronger use of AI. The se along with other trends will continue to grow with the increaseRead MoreImpact on Indian Economy787 Words à |à 4 PagesImpact of Recession on Indian Economy Changes in Consumer Behaviour due to Recession Introduction- Almost everybody today seems to be discussing about the US Recessionary trend and its impact on emerging countries, more particularly India Economists, Industrialists and the common man on the streets seem to have been horrified by the very thought of recession in India and that too due to US. Decreasing industrial production, inflation, decreasing job opportunities, cost cutting, reducingRead MoreU.s. Economy s Impact On The Economy955 Words à |à 4 Pagesthat the economy could benefit from the tuition increase being put back into it. With this extra money the economy could start to recover from the recession that designated start was December 2007 (R.F., 2015). While recovery is very important for America, how can tuition increase help to rebuild a country that needs less people in debt and more productive citizens producing rather than increasing debt due to rising cost? How much will the government take from students to rebuild its economy? DeprivingRead MoreImpact Of Globaliz ation On The Economy2474 Words à |à 10 Pageslimited. Today, the economies of most countries are so interconnected that they form part of a single, interdependent global economy. Globalization has been defined as ââ¬Å"the process of international integrating arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. â⬠With this meaning, perspectives, social norms, and business conducts are being exchanged across cultures. It has changed the world in more ways than we can imagine. The most profound impact of globalizationRead MoreThe Impact Of Internet On The Economy1544 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction There has been a paradigm shift in the nature of the economy; from industrial to informational. The rapid proliferation of internet have made an impact on almost every industry including the education industry. Internet has become the preferred mode of communication. It has helped in not only bringing the world closer through websites, emails, internet phones, and social media but also have been one of the most significant factor responsible for cost reduction, increased convenience
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